seven signs you lot're a bad partner fifty-fifty if yous call back you aren't

fighting couple

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  • It's possible that your actions and the words you employ with your partner could be putting your relationship in jeopardy without you even realizing it.
  • Spending likewise much time on your telephone, doing everything with your partner, or being overly picky could lead to issues in your human relationship.
  • Information technology'due south possible to change your bad relationship habits, but starting time you lot have to recognize them.
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Once you lot're in a relationship, getting into the menses of things may crusade you to overlook some of your own behaviors, including how you treat your partner.

If non realized or addressed, it'south possible some of your deportment or words could alienate your partner or cause them to feel resentment toward you.

Spending all of your free time with your spouse, for example, could bespeak you're codependent and smothering them, and being on your phone constantly could mean yous're non giving your relationship the attention it needs to thrive.

"Awareness is the starting time step in making any sort of alter," human relationship expert Susan Winter previously told Elite Daily. "In one case nosotros're able to exist honest with ourselves and admit our shortcomings, then we're one step closer to our recovery of wholeness and emotional health."

Hither are some signs you may non exist equally good of a partner as you think y'all are, and how your deportment could affect your relationship.

You lot tin't help but signal out all the little things your partner says or does "wrong."

Being critical about inconsequential things shows insecurity, non love.

In every relationship, each partner has at to the lowest degree one habit that ticks the other off. Although information technology's normal to not see everything center to eye, if yous notice yourself annoyed about everything your Southward.O. says or does — and experience the demand to tell them so — it could mean you're accidentally sabotaging your relationship.

"Needing to command our partner'southward identity, actions, and thoughts is the opposite of beloved," Winter told Elite Daily. "It's nigh safety. It's a i-sided obsession to guarantee conformity, which equals safety. It has nothing to practice with dearest or intimacy."

Masking your criticisms as "jokes" tin can besides exist a sign that yous're resentful, not helpful, Lisa Marie Bobby, a psychologist and marriage and family therapist, previously told INSIDER.

You proceed your feelings to yourself when you lot're upset with your partner.

Bottling up your emotions won't end well.
Roman Kosolapov/Shutterstock

While constantly critiquing inconsequential issues like cucumber-slicing technique is problematic, so too is keeping mum about things that really matter, like your emotions when your partner says or does something that upsets yous.

But bottling upward your emotions probable means the problem will happen over again, creating pent-up negative feelings and even resentment. Even if you think your partner knows you lot well enough to pick upwardly on how you're feeling, information technology's not their job to play psychic medium, relationship autobus David Bennett of Double Trust Dating previously told INSIDER.

"In strong relationships, partners are honest and assertive about expressing their needs, and their partners are the same way," Bennett said.

Read more than: 6 questions to ask yourself before telling your partner you cheated on them

The next time you don't feel quite right about something in your relationship, speak upwards about information technology rather than waiting for your partner to come up to you.

You lot always tag along when your partner is with friends.

Alone time is a skilful affair.

On a surface level, being attached to your partner at the hip makes it seem like you dear each other so much you can't stand to exist apart. In reality, notwithstanding, spending every possible moment together could be a sign you're codependent.

"Codependency is excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner," clinical psychologist Jennifer Rhodes previously told INSIDER.

Although codependency is expert to an extent considering it fosters trust and an intimate bond in your relationship, doing nearly everything together could ultimately lead to relationship issues considering you lot might overwhelm your partner and lower your ain cocky-esteem.

You like to accept the last word during arguments.

Compromise is essential in healthy relationships.

If every fourth dimension you and your partner become into an statement, you lot notice yourself trying to "win" or accept things your way, it could mean you lot're viewing the relationship completely incorrect.

According to Winter, a person who constantly has to have the terminal word views their human relationship as a "conquest" or a test of desirability.

She also told Elite Daily that, if y'all act this style, "relationships are merely ane more than mode for yous to feel your own sense of power."

The next time yous catch yourself trying to come up out on tiptop of a disagreement with your boo, consider why that is and try to compromise instead.

Read more: x signs you're growing autonomously from your partner

Yous've suggested breaking upwardly during more than one argument.

Adene Sanchez/Getty Images

Similar to having the last give-and-take, threatening to suspension up during an argument with your partner could mean you lot're trying to manipulate the situation to get your style.

That's because defaulting to the break-up conversation regularly suggests if yous don't "win" the statement, y'all'll leave your partner.

"People use threats as a way to become their partner in line," Stan Tatkin, a psychologist and developer of A Psychological Arroyo to Couple Therapy (PACT), told Reader's Assimilate. "People should never threaten the relationship unless they intend to go out. It'south only valid if you mean it and do it, otherwise it just damages the safety and security of the relationship."

When your partner is having a bad mean solar day, you tell them to get over it.

Your approach isn't as uplifting as you may call back.

If, on your partner'south off days, you tell them to cheer upwardly and get over information technology, you lot could exist hurting your relationship in the long run.

Your intentions may be to assist them movement on and be happy over again, but existence unwilling to console your partner when they're going through a rough patch suggests you're non really available for their needs and want them to bounce back and be ready for your needs instead.

"We take no right to tell them what they should feel," Winter told Elite Daily. "Doing so is indicative of control bug, and ones designed for our comfort."

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